What is Dekton?

What is Dekton?

Dekton is made from a proprietary blend of natural quartz stone, porcelain, and glass. These raw materials are fused and compressed under high pressure to create a slab material that is very dense and compact. This makes Dekton the most practical material to use to make tabletops out of.

  • Highly Scratch-resistant - Dekton is the most scratch resistant surface on the market and while the slip of a knife won’t damage Dekton, cutting boards are still recommended to protect your household utensils.

  • Resistant to stains - While other surfaces are stain-resistant, Dekton is completely Stain Proof. Even the most stubborn stains like wine, coffee, markers and rust can easily be removed from the surface. Since Dekton has extremely low porosity and contains no resins, it is chemically resistant. Drips or splashes of common household chemicals like bleach, drain cleaners or oven degreasers won’t harm Dekton. 

  • High Resistance to fire and heat - Dekton withstands high temperatures without burning, scorching or cracking. Hot Pots and Appliances like Crock Pots can be placed directly on the surface with no worry of damage.

  • Resistant to abrasion - Dekton is even more resistant to abrasion than granite making it the ideal surface for commercial applications and high traffic areas such as flooring. While other surfaces show wear over time, Dekton’s finish will last for the life of the product and never needs to be resurfaced or re-finished.

  • High UV Resistance - Dekton is highly resistant to ultraviolet (UV) light and will not fade or degrade over time making it perfect for indoor tabletops

Alicante extending Dekton dining table
Dekton bar table
Dekton kitchen table

Posted by Rob Jones
14th May 2020

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